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Writer's pictureBailey Neitzel

Friendship, Faith, and Growth: The Life-Impacting Power of Camp Experiences

The power of camp goes far beyond the songs, games, and laughter. It is more than the high ropes course, lakefront activities, and horseback riding you witness as you drive through the property.


The impact of camp is in the lives that are marked by the experience each week. That’s the impact that drives campers to return, to look up to their group leaders, and desire to be just like them one day.


It is the long-lasting impact of experiencing God’s unconditional love in community that happens at camp each week.


For some campers, the moment of impact comes when overcoming a fear like conquering the high ropes challenge course.


For others, it is the opportunity to gain independence, being away from home or family for the very first time.


Or perhaps trying something new like riding a horse. Camp is a place set apart in God’s creation, and it is a place where campers and summer staff alike can experience friendship, teamwork, communication, and a sense of unconditional love and acceptance.


“My son made new friends and loved his camp counselor (ET),” Wendy shared about her middle school camper’s experience. “He can’t wait to come back next year.”


ET served on the 2024 Summer Ministry Team as a Group Leader and was no stranger to teamwork.


As a football player from Bethany College, ET came to camp looking to make an impact.


“This summer, I saw God in countless ways,” ET shared. “Starting right when I arrived at camp and was welcomed like family.”


He reminded others often that no matter what, being you is the most important. By the end of the summer, ET had not only helped campers grow in their faith, but he did so “while learning and growing in my own.”


Each week, the personal connections summer staff and campers build come from time spent participating in teambuilding, co-op and Bible study. Times where unconditional love, support, and acceptance are shared and uplifted.


Walking away from camp, ET was thankful for “getting to know each camper and how they react to good and bad situations. It was enlightening and helped me understand how I can approach people... it helped me understand and gain true empathy which is a great core value to have.”


Trying new things can be intimidating. But first-time camper parent, Kate, shared that her daughter “was a little nervous at first because she didn’t come to camp with any friends. She made friends right away and had a great time!”


Stepping outside of one’s comfort zone is the greatest opportunity for growth and discovery.

When Bethany joined the 2024 Summer Ministry Team with her equine experience, she came

looking to make a difference in the lives of her campers during the summer.


What she came to discover was the even greater impact that would come to her from the way campers would touch her heart each week, allowing her to grow alongside them.


Camp provided “the confidence to share my opinions and feel as though my voice matters,” Bethany said.


As a longtime member of the Nebraska FFA, Bethany was able to share her passion for horses and connect with campers in the barn, building new relationships, sharing horsemanship knowledge, and providing lifelong skills like confidence, responsibility, and communication.


During the summer, “not only did we grow with God, but this group of people were helping each other grow,” and that is community.


Community is built while living in a bunkroom with peers and working together to keep it clean enough to win the "cleanest bunk" recognition. It is deepened sitting around a campfire at evening worship, praying and singing.


Community lives in the shared stories and experiences of horseback riding, canoeing, and archery. And it does not end on Friday at closing program.


Julie shared that “...having a community made them part of something special. [My camper] formed friendships that are continuing after camp!”


The impact of camp isn’t just a fun week of activities and games.


What it is, is the lasting impact of camp on the campers who leave sharing acceptance

back in their communities.


The impact of camp is in the Summer Ministry Team members who gain confidence and skill sets to head out into the world as leaders.


The lasting impact of camp is a reassurance in God’s unconditional and unwavering love felt by every camper and staff member who make up the unique camp community.

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